Dee Leone Children's Author
by Dee Leone
Unfurling like a petal, an underlying theme can make a story more layered, colorful, and richer, especially if infused with symbolism.
Like a scenic photo, a story's setting includes a sense of place, time, mood, and atmosphere, all of which can influence actions and decisions.
In nature, there is light and dark, strength and frailty, peace and turbulence. Likewise, a variety of traits makes for interesting story characters.
Copyright © 2014 Dee Leone. All rights reserved.
I stare at the instrument before me,
In awe of what it can do in the hands of an expert.
To me the device is intimidating,
Its infinite possibilities overwhelming.
It can catch the perfect light —
A sun-brushed horizon saturated with ribbons of red and gold,
The moon's luminous reflection rippling on a quiet woodland pond,
A river illuminated by the glow of a thousand floating candles.
It can capture a brief moment —
A swimmer mid-stroke, droplets of water frozen in time,
The frown of a wizened old grandfather, his brow etched in wisdom,
The wide-eyed wonder of a child taking a step for the first time.
It can expose the tiniest of flaws —
A single loose stitch in a finely woven tapestry,
An aphid on the underside of a perfectly formed rose bud,
A small split along one vein of a colorful feather.
It can paint a panoramic picture —
A vast arid desert undulating with windswept layers of sand,
A coral wonderland with tropical life swaying gently in the waves,
A heavenly firmament scattered with shimmering pinpoints of light.
I stare at the instrument before me,
Resting on the table mockingly.
It's not very big really… my nemesis,
Yet I remain mystified by its simple complexity.
It can portray images in tones of black and white —
Historic buildings casting shadows in the late afternoon sun,
A chessboard of miniature travelers scattered across a great divide,
A diverse array of people with undeniable shades of gray.
It can bring to life a kaleidoscope of color —
Multi-faceted jewels sparkling against a cushion of soft black velvet,
A twirling parasol, each section alive with vibrant joy,
A rainbow, its spectrum appearing magically in a cascading waterfall.
It can record the sharpest of details —
The iridescent scales of a butterfly wing reflecting royal hues,
Veins of a leaf branching out to catch the sun's warm rays,
Glittery flecks imbedded in a piece of marbled granite.
It can blur one image to intensify another —
The muted green backdrop of a spider web glistening with dew,
Raindrops viewed through a window thick with condensation,
The lacy wings of a dragonfly against a subdued background.
I stare at the instrument before me,
Tempting, beckoning, like the call of a siren.
Finally, I pick it up, wondering what will develop
From this, my muse.
The ink begins to flow.
The pen finally seems to move of its own accord,
Capturing time, recording thoughts,
Painting words, painting pictures.